Taksim Gezi Parkı Protestolarına Müdahaleler Sırasında Yaşanan Şiddet Olaylarına Uluslararası Tepkiler -II

psikiyatri.org.tr /

 Dünya Psikososyal Rehabilitasyon Birliği'nden(WAPR) Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği ve Türk Nöropsikiyatri Derneği Başkanları'na mektup 


Uluslararası Tıp Öğrencileri Birlikleri Federasyonu'ndan(IFMSA) İnsan Hakları İhlalleri ve Sağlık Çalışanları ve Tıp Öğrencileri'ne Yönelik Şiddete Karşı Kınama Açıklaması 

Türkiye'de son bir aylık sürede Gezi Parkı protestoları ile başlayan şiddet olayları karşısında Türkiye Halkının sağlık ve itibarına yaptıkları vurgu ile Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği'nin insan hakları konusunda bulunduğu katkıya destek ve dayanışma içinde olduklarını belirten WAPR başkanı Afzal Javed, gelişmeleri yakından izlediklerini de vurgulamıştır.

Ayrıca yerel otoriteleri de insan hakları ve ifade özgürlüğü konusunda en fazla özenin gösterilmesi konusunda uyaracaklarını belirten Javed; hasta ve yaralıların politik görüşlerinden bağımsız biçimde tıbbi bakım almalarını desteklediklerini ve bu zor zamanlarda Türkiye'deki meslektaşları olan biz hekimlerle bu konuda fikirlerinin aynı olduğunu ve desteklerini bildirmek istediklerini de eklemiştir.

Uluslararası Tıp Öğrencileri Birlikleri Federasyonu'ndan(IFMSA) yapılan açıklamada ise;


Bir milyondan fazla Tıp Öğrencisi'ni temsil eden IFMSA'nın son günlerde Türkiye'de meydana gelen şiddet olayları ile insan hakları ihlallerini kınadıkları belirtildi. Yapılan açıklamada sağlık çalışanlarının işlerini yapabilmesi için bu türden her türlü olayın durması gerektiği belirtilirken Tıp öğrencileri ve diğer sağlık çalışanlarının kişi ayırt etmeksizin herkesi tedavi etmekle yükümlü oldukları hatırlatıldı.


Sağlık çalışanlarını hedef alan şiddetin insanlığa karşı bir saldırı olduğu gibi aynı zamanda toplumun merhamet ve ötekilerin sağlığına saygı gösteren yapısına karşı da bir saldırı niteliği taşıdığı belirtildi. Sağlıkçı olarak hekimlerin ettikleri yemin gereği insan sağlığını her şeyden önde gördükleri ve zarar vermeme ilkesini benimsedikleri vurgulanarak şiddeti sürdürenlerin de bu ilkeleri akılda tutmaları ve barış çağrısı yapmaları gerektiği hatırlatıldı.



Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Professor Tunc Alkin,

President of the Psychiatric Association of Turkey

Professor Peykan Gokalp,

President of the Turkish Neuropsychiatric Society


Dear Professor Tunc Alkin & Professor Peykan Gokalp,


I on my personal behalf & on behalf of the WAPR officers and membership would like to express our solidarity and support to Turkish Psychiatric Associations for their commitment to Human rights and their efforts to highlight the importance of dignity and well being of people of Turkey.


We have been closely following the concerns expressed from national & international professional organizations including World Medical Association, the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, the Turkish Medical Association & the Psychiatric Association of Turkey regarding the human right violations leading to a great deal of sufferings of people during recent unrest in Turkey.


WAPR firmly believes on the paramount importance of Human Rights and the right of civil society and would urge the local authorities to ensure & respect the right to freedom of expression & achieve the highest possible standards of ethics and health-related human rights for all people. We also support health professionals caring for the sick and wounded, regardless of their political affiliations & would like to express our feelings of support & harmony to all our colleagues in Turkey in these difficult times.



With kind regards,

Afzal Javed

President WAPR


-WAPR'den gelen mektubun pdf haline ulaşmak için tıklayınız-


Medical Students on Human Rights Violations and Violence Against Healthcare Professionals and Students in Turkey


The International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA), representing more than a million medical students worldwide condemns the recent acts of violence and human rights violations that have been taking place in Turkey in the last days. The IFMSA calls for the cessation of all kinds of such acts and an end to the violence there to allow for healthcare workers to do their work there. As a general recognition among state and non­-state actors,–physicians and medical students responsibility is to treat every person without discrimination. The targeted acts against health workers not only challenge humanity, but destroy the very fabric of society that creates compassion and care for others. As healers, ­­physicians take an oath to place the health and well­-being of people foremost and do no harm. We remind those that are perpetuating this violence to keep in mind these principles and call for peace.

Main text

In the past days, we have been notified, in addition to media coverage, by several of our constituents from TurkMSIC­­Turkey, our Turkish medical students, and young physicians, sharing their first hand experience on violence in Turkey. Their stories are extremely troubling and reveal that unacceptable acts of unjustified violence and human rights violations are taking place. Moreover, there are also deplorable acts of violence directed towards physicians, health workers and medical students that are providing aid to injured people.

Such acts not only challenge humanity, but destroy the very fabric of society that creates compassion and care for others. As healers­­, physicians, health workers, and medical students commit to place the health and well-­being of people foremost and do no harm.

As a network that reaches more than a million medical students and founded upon principles of understanding, tolerance and peace, IFMSA can not passively ignore this situation. We call upon the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which exists to protect every person’s basic rights, including those of health workers­­ a declaration that all member states of the United Nations are obligated to adhere by [1] Moreover, we also call upon the Geneva Conventions which provides basic protection for health workers in times of armed conflict [2], thus this protection of health workers cannot be disregarded. If such targeted attacks continue, we fear that less aid will be provided to all people. This will only escalate hostility, conflict and the severity of the injuries and consequences of violent acts will be greater for the people of Turkey. We ask those that are attributing to this situation in Turkey to reflect upon the greater impact and the long­-term effects of continued human rights violations.

Moreover, for those physicians, health workers, and medical students that are taking risks to provide care to the injured and in need, IFMSA would also like to state our admiration and support.

IFMSA, as a body of future physicians and healthcare leaders, reminds all people and institutions, most importantly governments, should respect the following:

●  Health workers, including physicians and medical students, should be protected from intentional danger and violence;

●  Physicians are not to be arrested, hurt, or even murdered based upon their political beliefs or choice on how to express themselves in a peaceful manner, and;

●  Physicians not be discouraged to treat people differently based on their different political, religious or cultural ideologies and should continue to adhere to the Physician’s Oath, adopted by the World Medical Association in 1948, which states that a physician shall “not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between [his] duty and [his] patient.” [3];

●  Respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions and other existing treaties and laws that articulate their responsibilities towards the rights and welfare of health workers;

●  Respect the Physician’s Oath adopted by the World Medical Association in 1948;

●  Establish agencies and mechanisms that will protect the rights and welfare of physicians and even medical students, especially those involved in the care of individuals involved in demonstrations;

●  Respect the fundamental human right of freedom of expression by physicians and medical students, even if they are in opposition or contradiction to the stand of institutions such as the government, and;

●  React appropriately according to the law with regards to proper and lawful procedures in terms of arrest, detainment, trial, and the punishment of physicians to ensure that the law is carried out justly.

●  Call for greater accountability from the perpetrators, whether they are state or non-­state actors;

●  Serve justice to the victims through fair and efficient trial and punishment of perpetrators;

●  Promote the Physician’s Oath which states that health workers are not allowed to
neglect a patient because of differences in political, religious, or cultural ideology, to other sectors, especially the government, military, and police.


The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is an independent, non­governmental and non­political federation of medical students from 108 National Member Organizations on six continents and over 100 countries. The IFMSA, as a network of National Member Organizations of future physicians around the world, strongly believes in collaboration and joint efforts aiming to improve the situation of students in medical professions worldwide and to ensure the increase of well­trained and appropriately deployed health workforce.

The IFMSA was founded in 1951 and is run for and by medical students on a non­profit basis. It is officially recognized as a Non Governmental Organization within the United Nations system, and is recognized by the World Health Organization as the International Forum for medical students. It exists to serve medical students all over the world. IFMSA is built around six standing Committees: Human Rights and Peace, Reproductive Health including AIDS, Public Health, Professional Exchange, Research Exchange and Medical Education.

-IFMSA'nın açıklamasına kendi sayfasından ulaşmak için tıklayınız-